
Dignified Spaces was born from the conviction that transforming bleak, depressing, poorly maintained health and educational facilities into functional, attractive, vibrant, green areas will have a positive impact on staff and those using these facilities, as well as on the community as a whole.

Most of us recognise that our surroundings influence our sense of well-being and how we function.  Well-documented research confirms the physiological, psychological and social benefits of green environments.

The physiological, psychological and social benefits of green environments.

  • Interaction with green spaces improves productivity, reduces absenteeism and creates greater work satisfaction.
  • A green environment has restorative capabilities that aid stress reduction. Many of our daily tasks require focussed (directed) attention.  Repeated effort leads to fatigue and feeling “stressed out”. Exposure to nature allows directed attention to recover and improves one’s ability to pay attention and perform tasks, leading to enhanced personal effectiveness.
  • A green environment enhances people’s psychological resources to deal with feelings of despair and hopelessness and helps poor people to help themselves.
  • Green environments improve interpersonal dynamics and reduce violence.
  • In children, play in green spaces promotes skills development and reduces aggression and attention deficit disorder (ADD).
  • Greening has several tangible benefits.  The establishment of food gardens address food security.  Trees create windbreaks and offer shade.  Greening improves air quality, increases biodiversity, reduces soil erosion and improves drainage through the absorption of rainwater.